Privacy Policy

Purpose of use of personal information

(hereinafter referred to as “this site”) may ask you to register your personal information such as your name (handle name) and e-mail address when you send us an e-mail inquiry or register for our e-mail magazine.

We will not use this information for any purpose other than the one for which it was provided.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

This site will manage personal information appropriately and will not disclose it to third parties except in the following cases.

・With the consent of the individual

・When disclosure is necessary for cooperation with laws and regulations

Disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, and suspension of use of personal information

If you wish to disclose, correct, add, delete, or discontinue the use of your personal data, we will promptly respond to your request after confirming your identity.

About access analysis tools

This website uses Google Analytics, an access analysis tool by Google.

This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and does not identify you personally. You can refuse to accept this feature by disabling cookies, so please check the settings of your browser. For more information about this policy, please click here.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

In addition to complying with Japanese laws and regulations applicable to personal information, this website will review and improve the contents of this policy as appropriate.

The most recent Privacy Policy, as amended, will always be disclosed on this page.


This website strives to provide the most accurate information possible in its contents, but there may be cases where incorrect or outdated information is included.

Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any damages caused by the contents of this website.

We will delete any information that violates laws and regulations as soon as it is found.
If you find any information on this site that you believe to be in violation of these laws, please contact us through the Contact Us page. We will respond immediately.

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